Welcome to English and Media Blogging.

This site has been created for SJW pupil's to stay updated with your classwork and to provide a tree of knowledge that can be accessed when required. Get Blogging!

Friday, 9 May 2014


Exam time is almost upon us!

Media Prelimanary Material is released Monday 12th May.  After that you all need to start planning how you will achieve an A grade. Yes that's right! I have faith in you.

We have prepared well and with all the resources I've supplied you with, there should be little room for error.

Use Media Edusite (see Link below right) which shows exemplar exam questions and answers. It also has some great Case Studies which will be useful knowledge for the exam.

Use the Student Revision Booklets I have given you.  Use the powerpoints I have placed in the common folder.

Most of you have achieved some great marks in the Controlled Assessments. Don't let yourself down at the last hurdle.

Aim high then reach higher!

Good luck,

Mr Milligan.

Any issues, please come and see me.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Please make sure that you are logging on to MediaEdu if you're a Yr11 Media pupil revising Video Game Promotion for the Summer Exam 2014.  There is a wealth of information available and some great interactive materials; remember SJW is paying your subscription so please make use of it.

You can also find great revision materials for this exam in the 'Common Folder'.  I have saved all the teaching materials and powerpoints for this unit in a folder.  Use it!

Don't forget that the preliminary material is released in May; very soon. Time is of the essence so keep revising!

You should all be logging on to GCSEPod as well.  This is a great facility to help with revision across all the subject areas; giving you access even on your phone! Now that's surely something that is going to help you achieve success this Summer.

''I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse.''Florence Nightingale

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Yr 11 English Unit 1 Language Exam Revision - Wednesdays 15:05 - 16:05

There will be after school revision sessions starting Wednesday 8th February.

The focus will on raising awareness of how to answer Section A Reading questions, responding to the Section B Writing prompts and how to achieve maximum results.

Sessions will be run by Mr Thomas and by myself (Mr Milligan) so make the most of the time available and get revising!

Mr Milligan.
Yr 11 Media Pupils - 2014 Exam Revision!

Make sure that you access the 'Common' folder on the school computer system.  In the Media folder I have placed numerous resources/powerpoints/activities for the exam in June.  Media Folder - Video Games Folder.

Make a point of looking through the folder and also check out the resources which have been placed on Moodle.

I will be available after school every Monday from 15:05 - 17:05 in T3.  Make sure you come along for revision sessions focused towards the exam!

Those of you actively preparing for the exam now will be the pupils who walk successfully away with a great grade.

Keep revising!

Mr Milligan.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

GCSE Media Exam - Marketing and Promotion of Video Games

All Yr 11 Media pupils should be using their password and logging into the MediaEdu site - http://media.edusites.co.uk/.

This site now has some amazing materials: marketing and promotion case studies, interactive quizzes and mock exams in the style that will actually be set by AQA in the Summer.

I strongly urge, nudge and push you towards reading through all this content and use it as a revision aid over the coming months.

No excuses!  Focus upon the feeling of opening that brown envelope after the Summer and seeing a great grade which reflects your hardwork.

Get revising and look out for resources that will also be appearing upon Moodle (SJW's learning platform) very soon.

Mr Milligan.