Welcome to English and Media Blogging.

This site has been created for SJW pupil's to stay updated with your classwork and to provide a tree of knowledge that can be accessed when required. Get Blogging!

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Creating Film/Movie Posters

  • Learning Intention: 
 I will be able to create my own film poster and use the guidance from the PowerPoint or Youtube video to complete the task.

  • You should have your own genre 'Create Your Movie Poster'  sheet which you chose last lesson: Science Fiction, Horror or Action.  If you've 'lost' your 'Create Your Movie Poster' sheet these are accessible online -
  • Student 'K' drive - AMI Media - Yr10 2014/16 - Movie Posters.

  • Differentiation/Challenge  - see below!

  •  All pupils should include at least four of the bullet points upon the 'Create Your Movie Poster' sheet.
  • Any pupil who has a whole school target of 'C' or above should include all bullet points.  This should include a short review of your own film (this does not have to be included on the poster but can be a separate word document).  Guidance on film reviews can be accessed on GCSE Bitesize.  Click on the link to take you there when you've finished your poster.
Once you've created your poster make sure you transfer a copy to your blog site and print a copy off for your folder.

Good Luck

Mr Milligan.