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Thursday, 26 May 2016

Storyboarding Half term Homework Yr 10!

AQA Storyboard Example

Here is a great video for you to watch to support your homework this half term.

It offers a deep insight into 7 patterns that can be learnt and adapted to really impress your potential audience.

It simplifies how you can fit as much information as possible into your storyboard to maximise the information each scene passes on to the target audience. 7 Patterns of Successful Storyboarding

If you need to print off more storyboards please use this link AQA GCSE Storyboard Sheet.

Remember to use the codes and conventions of storyboarding:

  • Dialogue
  • Diegetic Sound
  • Non Diegetic Sound
  • Shot Types/Angles - Establishing/Close Up/Medium/Extreme Close Up/Dolly Shot/Tracking/Birds Eye View
  • Timeframe in seconds
  • Shot number

If you want a reminder look at this cool article from EMPIRE magazine:

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Online Storyboard Site!

Hello everyone,

Just another quick link to a fantastic site called 'Storyboard That'.

You can create your own professional looking storyboard in no time at all.  Click on the link and let your imagination come to life!

Mr Milligan.

Image result for storyboard that

Image result for storyboard that