Welcome to English and Media Blogging.

This site has been created for SJW pupil's to stay updated with your classwork and to provide a tree of knowledge that can be accessed when required. Get Blogging!

Monday, 20 September 2010

Year 11 Media Assignment 2 - Print

Hello Year 11, you are currently researching 'Newspapers' in order to produce your second piece of coursework. We will shortly be looking at 'Magazines' and you are advised to commence research using your blogsite to host your findings.

We are currently comparing how a story is reported in two different newspapers. We are engaged in a class exercise where the two stories should be mounted on paper and then annotated to display their differing properties. Your focus will include examining the headline; the subheading; how long the article is; the use of vocabulary to reflect the readership; the use of photographs and the overall presentational style used. You should also look for bias in line with the Institutions (owners of the newspaper) poilitical/cultural opinions.

Your research and findings should be typed up and hosted on your blospot e.g. The Newspapers we compared were The Daily Telegraph and The Sun (explain the readership that each newspaper has and it's political/cultural leanings)...continue to type up the similarities and differences that you discovered. The link below will provide access to a powerpoint which will be useful but it's important for you to show other research by keeping a record of the books and website links you have looked at. this research will greatly influence your overall mark.


Your Coursework Assignment 2 for Print is below:

Analytical Task: Compare one popular magazine or newspaper with its on-line equivalent.

Research and Planning Task: (You must completer both tasks below!)
Mock-up design for the front page of a daily newspaper or magazine or a mock-up design for the front page of an internet home page.

Devise a storyboard for a television or viral advertisement promoting the same magazine or newspaper you have created above. You can create your own name e.g. The Stun, The Daily Wail, Streetcrew Magazine. (See me for storyboards)

Monday, 13 September 2010

Greetings Year 10

Welcome to all new Media Studies pupils in Year 10 2010-2011. You should just have set up your new blog and published your first post. Congratulations. We will be using this site to communicate with each other and to show our research, coursework and media interests. If you have any queries please send me a message or see me in T3.