- Learning Intention:
- You should have your own genre 'Create Your Movie Poster' sheet which you chose last lesson: Science Fiction, Horror or Action. If you've 'lost' your 'Create Your Movie Poster' sheet these are accessible online -
- Student 'K' drive - AMI Media - Yr10 2014/16 - Movie Posters.
- Differentiation/Challenge - see below!
- All pupils should include at least four of the bullet points upon the 'Create Your Movie Poster' sheet.
- Any pupil who has a whole school target of 'C' or above should include all bullet points. This should include a short review of your own film (this does not have to be included on the poster but can be a separate word document). Guidance on film reviews can be accessed on GCSE Bitesize. Click on the link to take you there when you've finished your poster.
Good Luck
Mr Milligan.